One box of Burgimmune Immunoenhancer powder is sufficient for 30 or 90 days for a healthy animal of maximum 15 kg body weight. Burgimmune is a veterinary food supplement of curative power for dogs and cats. It contains natural ingredients only.
The product provides strong support for the immune system, increases vitality, has antitumour and anti-inflammatory effects, supports the health of the skin and hair, improves the appetite and has antiemetic effect, promotes regeneration and has disease-preventing effects.
The product contains a specially formulated combination of phytogenic substances, medicinal mushroom, beta-glucan and vitamins, which effectively contribute to the preservation of health and the control of diseases through their multiple effects exerted on the functioning of the immune system.
For healthy animals: up to 15 kg body weight: half dosing spoon; between 16 and 30 kg body weight: 1 dosing spoon; above 30 kg body weight: 1.5 dosing spoons.
For extra small animals (<5 kg body weight): 1/3 dosing spoon.
In other (acute or chronic disease) cases: double dose.
The product should be given orally, mixed in the food. In case of dry diets, the product should be dissolved in 50 ml of warm water or pet food of paste form and mixed in the food. For severely ill pets or picky eaters: the product should be dissolved in warm water and administered into the animal's mouth from a syringe.
For animals up to 6 months of age: continuous administration
For animals between 1 and 5 years of age: 1–2 treatment courses per year
For animals between 5 and 8 years of age: 2 treatment courses per year
For animals over 8 years of age: continuous administration